Welcome to the 3DSPlaza Chat
v3.3.5 Public :: 2020w29
Chat rules (07th June 2018): Link

dash3456 as Dash: This place brings back memories
dash3456 as Dash: Woah
Christ7: hi
Christ7: hey guys
RiotGrrrl: hello everyone
TeFatCat123: waiting to jack off to goku vs freiza
TeFatCat123: still sitting here

Carmilla milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)
zeper: I hope anyone who sees this is having a beautiful day. It's been a while. Sometimes I think back to how popular this chatbox site used to be. With love, I hope everyone grew up to have wonderful lives.
3dsman: crazy
3dsman: this is still here
3dsman: yoo
pandalover: I just realized it was a set up for whoever responded next lol

EmoKitty milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)
EmoKitty: is2g
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: @pandalover Above. Not below.
epicstreet: Woah
ColdFire: Nothing for Home4Dsi. So sad
T103: Crazy this is all that's left
[Ice] iceman as Mr.Cuss: And theres still pedos lurking 12 years later
[Ice] iceman as Mr.Cuss: I'm still royalty 12 years later
pandalover: SMO is?
SirDavid: PSA: The user above is a known, notorious pedophile and serial sex offender.
SMOGamerX: Hello everyone this is Berberderk. Just wanna let you know that if you wanna see some stuff that I do subscribe to my YouTube channel. I made spray paint art and other kinds of random stuff.
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: I miss the games.
Esteve: What did you like the most? I think I enjoyed the forums when it first started, and the roleplay chat
Esteve: same
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Yeah, I wish it was restored to its former glory.
Esteve: yeah this place was great IS great but was pretty cool when I was a kid
Esteve: me too lol
Esteve: rip boredum
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Also bored as heck.
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Nostalgia is great.
Esteve: you?
Esteve: all is well just playing a shooter and chilling here for nostalgias sake
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: How are you doing?
Esteve: yoyo
pandalover: pokerface
Inny74: hi :o
MonstarModz: hello zophie
MonstarModz: CoGicBoiiTornado verify?
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: query TeFatCat123: member
TeFatCat123: i want to jack off to goku vs vegeta
Windowsxp: Who is Skittaraps
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Oh laddergoat, it's Skittaraps.
Skittaraps: 😀

Carmilla milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)

Nala milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)

EmoKitty milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)

Carmilla milked the cow first this hour! (0 other users failed)
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Jellso!!! There's a name I haven't seen in forever.
Jellso: Waddup
poelon654: this is so friggin epic
Nala as TheDisneyFeline: Hey!!!
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